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The Reason Why the Heat Sink Doesn't Work


                                                                                                      forced convection heat sink

A heatsink is an exchanger that helps to transfer temp buildups from hardware and mechanical components to something else. A Heat Sink is a good thing for heating in winter. Some users may encounter situations where the radiator is not hot, and the temperature in the room cannot reach the standard temperature at all. It may be caused by multiple reasons, which requires us to investigate. For example, issues with the Heat Sink itself, installation, and operation.

The Heat Sink is not hot, which may be one of the following reasons:
(1) There are fewer designed or installed heat sinks, resulting in insufficient heat dissipation.
(2) The water temperature of the heating medium is low, and the heat dissipation is small.
(3) Equipped with a heating hood, it often reduces heat dissipation by about 20%.
(4) The different ways of connecting water inlet and outlet also reduce heat dissipation.
(5) Air blockage can be achieved by opening the air conditioning valve to exhaust the air in the radiator before closing it.
(6) Local blockage in the radiator.
(7) High resistance and low water pressure.
(8) Doors and windows are ventilated.
